Welcome Ellers, Severts and Lookiloos...

There's no particular chronology, here. I get pics infrequently and just go though them; "captioning" more than chronicling.
The Labelling Function may come in handy for any specific searches.

Wayde and Doug at the Eller Home...

     As children, Wayde and I spent more time with Henry and DeEtte during the Summer than we did with our Parents.  
     We had "forts" and "houses" in the woods and the run of the place.  There probably isn't three square feet on the Eller Farm we can't tell you a story about from our escapades.
     When we got older, maybe 7 or 8. Grandpa Henry would to give us each a quarter to go over the Tom and Hattie's Store.  There we'd trek ever the hill to buy Soda and Moonpies.  If one knows the trek, can you imagine letting kids that young make that hike alone, today?


 In this photo, we're sittting there. contently.
 (Rose, standing) 

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