Welcome Ellers, Severts and Lookiloos...

There's no particular chronology, here. I get pics infrequently and just go though them; "captioning" more than chronicling.
The Labelling Function may come in handy for any specific searches.

Aunt Alice...

     This is Aunt Alice Eastridge Hannaford; Grandpa Henry's Half Sister.  I don't remember much about her, except for the infamous "shoe incident".
     She had come in from Washington to visit Henry and Dette at the Farm.  Wayde and I were around 7-years-old and, as usual, there to see her.  We made fun of these old fashioned shoes she had which drove her to tears.  How cruel we were to have done that.
I highly suspect (and if memory holds) that we got in trouble and had to profusely apologize to her.
                                                               Alice as a Young Woman

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