Welcome Ellers, Severts and Lookiloos...

There's no particular chronology, here. I get pics infrequently and just go though them; "captioning" more than chronicling.
The Labelling Function may come in handy for any specific searches.

Lizzie, Grandpa Henry's Mother...

This is Lizzie Houck Eller Eastrige Hall.  I know a bit about her.  However, the fact that someone would actually sit to have thier picture taken, with that demeanor, may be the tell-tale.  Think many people crossed her?

Husband of:     William Eller
                             ? Eastridge
                             Ezra Hall
Mother of:     John Walter Eller (b. 1888)
                          Grandpa Henry Harvey Eller (1893)
                          Bessie Geneva Eller (1897)
                          Charles S. Eller
                          Will Eller
                          Alice Eastridge
                          Emery Eastridge (??)

     Lizzie got around... 
     She married William, who died when Grandpa Henry was 11.  She "farmed out" her children to friends because she wasn't able to care for them (more to follow on this aspect of her life, later).
     Then she married a Mr. Eastridge, he was rather a ne'er-do-well.  Had two more children and left him.
      Finally, she married Ezra Hall.  Moved with all the kids Out West and lived out the remainder of her life in Washington State.  Ezra was had an Apple Orchard in the Yakima Valley. 

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